Support Us!
Thanks for your interest! We have a bunch of support options!
One-time support
We sell super cool 3D Printable 3D models over on our Gumroad site! Grab one! Some are pay what you want, and you might want a Besti Toy anyway!
Subscription Options
The best place right now is SubscribeStar. They only take credit cards, though.

You can get:
- Weekly updates every Monday on what we worked on
- Access to SubscribeStar-exclusive pre-release sexually explicit content
- A role on the Discord server with easy downloads to SubscribeStar-exclusive stuff
- Your name in the credits of new adult-oriented games
- Your name in the credits of new T to M-rated games
- Access to upcoming pre-release non-sexual or mildly sexual content
- Video content like time lapses of creating things, or demonstrations of new things that are sexually explicit
- Video content that is not sexually explicit
- Polls to make some decisions
Another option is Gumroad. This includes everything except pre-release sexually explicit content due to their content restrictions. They have more payment options than SubscribeStar.

You can get:
Access to Subscribestar-exclusive pre-release sexually explicit contentA role on the Discord server with easy downloads to Subscribestar-exclusive stuffVideo content like timelapses of creating things, or demonstrations of new things that are sexually explicitYour name in the credits of new adult-oriented games- Your name in the credits of new T to M-rated games
- Video content that is not sexually explicit
- Weekly updates every Monday on what we worked on
- Access to upcoming pre-release non-sexual or mildly sexual content
- Polls to make some decisions
Gumroad also has a unique purchasing system where we have cool 3D models for 3D printing. If you like them, grab one!
Another option is Patreon. They have the most payment options, but also the most content restrictions. The restrictions are similar to Gumroad though I do need to do some minor censorship depending on what I’m talking about. Patreon’s best if you don’t want to (or can’t) use a credit card.

You can get:
Access to Subscribestar-exclusive pre-release sexually explicit contentA role on the Discord server with easy downloads to Subscribestar-exclusive stuffVideo content like timelapses of creating things, or demonstrations of new things that are sexually explicitYour name in the credits of new adult-oriented games- Your name in the credits of new T to M-rated games
- Video content that is not sexually explicit
- Weekly updates every Monday on what we worked on (occasionally censored)
- Access to upcoming pre-release non-sexual or mildly sexual content
- Polls to make some decisions